Then he tells me he's on a four week bvacation/b in a motorhome, starting in Chicago and circling around the great lakes through Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota before returning home. ... btw, Does somebody know what "baduna/b" means in Hungarian, or in a related eastern european language? I heard it from a TV announcer (so the word should be pretty phoneticaly close to baduna/b, if not baduna/b) in a context which I thought would mean today/now/shortly, like in Sanskrit. ...
As a result of those and other problems, Cullen, 51, said he has had to spend several months over the past two years staying in bhotels/b as workers labored to fix his stove and tub and make other repairs. ?It?s really disheartening to pay ...
societăţii şi a niveluli iregistrare pentru identifi. -area hotărârii Tn Registrul matriculáis la. IVIa. Ml. Cjf>m&rtului sub nr. 11-1 şl urm. din modificările si i Constitutiv al. ?Staţii la data de. bHotel/b Bavaria. 1 in Registrul ... feciale în original urmând a fi depuse la sediul ; nainte de Adunare în conformitate ou pi. ?publicata; procurile neprezentate in termenul re sau in alta forma decât cea menţionata pierderii exerciţiului dreptului de vot in bAduna/b ...